Entries in Herod (1)


Dollar Signs from New Age Profits

In June of 2019, a full page ad/letter appeared in The New York Times. The letter, proudly and unashamedly signed by 170 prominent CEOs, proclaimed that laws restricting abortion was “bad for business”.

In response to the ad, American Princeton legal scholar and political philosopher, Dr. Robert P. George commented … "The plutocrats circle the wagons around feticide. Is there anything quite as ugly as the rich and powerful marshaling their wealth and influence in the cause of slaying the innocent and vulnerable? May God protect those whom they would expose to the abortionist's knife and turn the hearts of these modern-day King Herods."


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"Portrait of Mammon" (George Frederick Watts, 1885)


Dollar Signs from New Age Profits


Watch the plutocrats advancing…

Champions of feticide.

Watch King Herod’s troops progressing

On the waves of Human Pride.


Sacred Self’s now front and center.

Taking Mammon’s bloody vow.

Idol Golden Calves a-glitter.

Molech proudly takes a bow.


Offstage Asherah’s applauding.

Chemosh winks and gives a nod.

Screwtape signals his approval…

(Thumbs up from so many gods!)


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Babies, ma'am, are "bad for business".

(We thought everybody knew!)

Dollar signs from New Age Profits.

Really...."What would Jesus do?"